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Eurheo – European Master Course in Engineering Rheology

The EURHEO consortium is composed of the University of Minho (Portugal), the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), the Universidad de Huelva (Spain), the Kaholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)  and the University of Calabria (Italy) and delivers the two-year Master programme entitled “European Master Course in Engineering Rheology” (EURHEO) under the prestigious Erasmus Mundus programme.

EURHEO ( is a two-year Master course (120 ECTS) that aims at offering a pioneer advanced education programme on Rheology and its applications to different Engineering areas. It combines the expertise of six leading European Universities in the field of Rheology and the syllabus is designed to provide students with the necessary competences to understand the relevance of Rheology in Materials Science and Engineering and apply the knowledge gained in solving real-world Engineering problems both autonomously and included in multidisciplinary research teams.

The programme requests high mobility and all courses are given in English. This first year is designed to give students a strong basic education in the different areas of Materials Science and Engineering to which Rheology is directly relevant. The second year, taken at a different University from that where the student attended in the first year; initially there will be general courses on the main areas of application of Rheology, these being designed to impart to students basic knowledge on Materials Science and Engineering, Instrumentation and Experimental Rheology and Theoretical and Computational Rheology.

EURHEO has launched its campaign to recruit students and visiting scholars (Phd minimum) for the 2010-2012 programme. To qualify for admission, applicants must have a Bachelor degree (180 ECTS) in Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Material Engineering or similar field.

Below are the details of the available scholarships for Category B students and the deadlines for application:


Erasmus Mundus Scholarship:

Student category B, for EU Students or Non-EU students who have stayed more than 12 months in the EU: 20,000€ for the two-year course.


EURHEO tuition fees:

Non-EU students: 16,000€ for the two-year course

EU student: 8,000€ for the two-year course


Deadline for application to the course and scholarship:

Category B – European students (or students who have stayed or studied more than 12 months in the EU during the last five years) applying for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship or Consortium scholarship: 30th of April 2010

For further information about our EURHEO Master course and our online application procedure for the course and/or the scholarships, please consult:

General information about the Erasmus Mundus Programme is available on:

For further information about our EURHEO Master course and our online application procedure for the course and/or the scholarships for European, non European students (Category A) and Scholars, please consult:


EURHEO Secretariat

University of Minho

Department of Polymer Engineering

Campus of Azurém

4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal

Tel: 351-253-510549

Fax: 351-253-510339


flyer Cat B EURHEO 2010 2011.pdf

(Pub. Abr/2010)

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