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17º Curso Anual de Português Língua Estrangeira – Inscrições Abertas

A sessão de abertura do curso realizar-se-á no próximo dia 1 de Outubro, pelas 10.30h, na Sala de Actos do ILCH. Todos os interessados em aprender português serão bem vindos.

The registration period for the 17th Annual Course of Portuguese as a Foreign Language is now open. Should you need more information about the course, please visit our webpage at or ask directly at our services (Secretaria do ILCH); you can also obtain information through our e-mail ( or telephone number (253604171/2).

The opening session of the course will take place on the 1st of October, at 10.30h, in the “Sala de Actos” of the ILCH (Institute of Arts and Humanities of the University of Minho). All those that are interested in learning Portuguese are most welcome. (Pub Set/09)

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